Early Years Pupil Premium is funding of £302.10 for each eligible child to provide extra support in nursery


We have allocated this funding to support speech and language through a programme of activities and training. We also identified a need to enrich some of the children's experiences through providing them with extra activities like visits out in the community, gardening and external providers visiting the nursery.



Everyone in Hetton Lyons Nursery school plays a part in keeping children safe. Creating a safe learning environment and helping children who are at risk at home and at school is very important to us.


If you have any concerns please speak to your child’s keyworker or our safeguarding staff.


The Designated Safeguarding Lead at the Nursery is Ailsa Higgins


Deputy Designated Safeguarding staff are

  • Gillian Lowrey - Wellbeing Champion
  • Lesley Anne Cranston - Prevent lead


The Safeguarding Governor for the school is Angela Graham


View our Safeguarding Policy

Equality & Diversity

Our commitment to the celebration of equality and diversity:


  • Our children will learn to value others and treat them with respect, and understand that others will value them and treat them with respect.

  • They will learn to celebrate diversity and have a positive attitude to difference.

  • Our toys and resources have positive images that reflect society.

  • Your child’s individual needs are catered for and staff feel confident that they are meeting the needs of all children.

  • Our environment reflects and celebrates differences, and provision is flexible to meet developmental differences.

  • All our parents can expect to be consulted with, valued and invited to join in the activities we offer.

  • Our staff know where best to seek advice and support on inclusion and ensuring all families can access our information.


View our Equality and Diversity policy and Equalities Plan


We have school sweatshirts available and these can be bought directly from The School Outfit


Term dates

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We value your child's wellbeing and understand how vital it is for your child's learning

We treat every child as an individual, dedicating ourselves wholeheartedly to their success.
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