We believe the outdoors is an essential part of a child’s early education. It offers a
wonderful opportunity for children to develop their skills in way that cannot be
replicated indoors.

Roofed only by the sky, children seem to have a wider sense of freedom, where they
are more confident to take risks, in physical, mental and social circumstances.
We know that being outside, in all weathers, makes us all feel better, it supports
good mental and physical health, which is of the utmost importance in today's world.
Children can play alongside their friends, develop their social and speaking skills and
by using natural materials can enhance their learning and with lots of opportunities
for sensory play.

Our aim is that our outdoor spaces allow children to access the world around them
and be immersed in nature. They have access to sand, water and mud and can
access creative activities and generally get messier in the garden space.
Your child will undoubtedly get dirty; however we hope you can see the benefits of
the experiences they will be having with us. We provide wellington boots and
waterproofs and always ensure your child is engaged and happy outside.